Avonvale Model Engineering Society : Corona Virus Update

March 18 2021
Locomotive chimney

During the Lockdown we are not able to work at the railway, so we have much to do before we could entertain re-opening to the public and we are not planning to do so during April.

Our target is to have things ready to start public running again in May, but taking the same precautions against the spread of Covid that we did last year which was for pre-booked groups and one party per train. The health of our members and the public remain our main priority .

Later in the year, if government restrictions are dispensed with, we may be able to get back to something like normality.

We will not be publishing any running dates for some time, probably not until, a couple of weeks before we actually open to the public. 

Avonvale Video Report

July 22, 2020
Locomotive chimney

The Stratford Herald visited us on Saturday 18th July and made a short film about the railway.

You can see it Here


Avonvale Model Engineering Society

January 16, 2016
Locomotive chimney

Presents a dual 5" /7.25" ground level signalled track with bridges, station, tunnel and interesting gradients.

Weather permitting, the Miniature railway will be open to the public from 11:00 to 16:00 between March and October on the published dates, normally two weekends per month.
There is plentiful free parking available.

As well as the railway there is an adjacent picnic area and children's playground.

Access to the platforms is level across grass or gravel drive. 

History of Avonvale MES

Feb 3, 2020
Locomotive Driving Wheel

The Society, originally the Badsey and District Model Engineering Society, was formed in 1996 in Brewers Lane, Badsey. Vandalism of the track at Badsey meant that the Society needed a change of venue and in October 2001 moved to Hillers at Dunnington. Along with the move, the Society changed its name to Avonvale MES.
With the help of a JCB, the flat ground at Hillers was converted to a scenic layout, providing scope for bridges and a tunnel. Some of the spoil was used to make a hillock in front of the track, allowing the engines to pass out of the view of the waiting passengers.
The initial loop of track was completed in early 2003 and opened to the public during April of that year. Two more years of track construction, along with tunnel building and signalling brought the second loop into use. A new Station building and a Signal box were installed in time for the Grand Opening on April 24th 2005.

In 2020 The Society became a limited liability company. Avonvale Model Engineering Limited is registered in England, No 12252498.

Membership of the Society

Dec 10, 2012

The Society welcomes new members.

Although members have many interests covering all aspects of model engineering, the principal activities of the Society revolve around building,  maintaining and operating the miniature railway at Dunnington.
If you are interested in taking part in any aspect of running the railway, you  would be welcome as a member.

Joining a society is the best way to learn about model engineering. You will be able to see models in action and discuss them with the owners. The members will be pleased to give advice and help with any aspect of the modelling hobby. There is a very modest membership subscription.

You do not need to have an engine to be a member. The club owns engines which you can learn to drive. You can also operate the signals, be a guard on the train or be the Station Master.

So please come along and speak to any of the station staff on a running day or any Saturday morning from 9 to 12.

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